SAAM Acupuncture

Originating approximately 400 years ago, SAAM acupuncture is a relatively new system of acupuncture that has its roots firmly planted in the great classics of Chinese Medicine. In a recent study, over 50% of Korean acupuncturists reported using the SAAM method as one of their primary clinical acupuncture methods due to its efficacy and ease of use.
The power of this acupuncture system is prominent and there is great interest in learning the method outside of the Korean community. However, very little detail is known outside of Korea about this system as formal published instructional material in English is almost non-existent and it is rarely taught outside the Korean acupuncture practitioner community. SAAM acupuncture is a safe and powerful therapeutic system that utilises the Five-Shu points of the 12 main meridians in 48 basic combinations of “four predetermined acupoints.” It draws on the full breadth of classical Chinese acupuncture tradition and theory to effectively address both the mental, emotional and physical aspects of illness.

SAAM Acupuncture (Korean Five Shu Points)
SAAM Acupuncture is a unique Korean method that is about 400 years old, founded by the hermit Saam and discretely handed down. This method treat patients by stimulating points below elbows and knees, and regulating meridians.
SAAM Acupuncture regulates meridians through the Five-Shu points. Five-Shu points is located below the elbows and knees at 12 meridians. There are 5 points at each meridian.
The boundary of SAAM acupuncture is limitless, for it can be applied according to the physical and psychological state of the patient. It has a very powerful healing effect and is very safe because the points are below elbows and knees.
Sometimes the patients get confused, because the needles are not inserted into a painful area and yet the pain is disappears.